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► A range of output Regulated Voltage:
► A range of output regulated current:
► Maximum output Power is not over than 600 W;
► Acceptable parallel circuit connections of same-name PSUs from product line Б5-101, Б5-102, Б5-103, Б5-104, Б5-105, Б5-106 with current summation;
► Acceptable series connection of same-name PSUs from product line Б5-101, Б5-102, Б5-103, Б5-104, Б5-105, Б5-106 with voltage summation. However, the sum of voltage must be not more than 1000V. In the case of series connection, only one of terminals in circuit must be grounding. For example, the series connection is used for initiating of dual-supply operation, in this case the middle terminals in circuit must be grounding. Also, the series connection can be used to get higher supply voltage. In this context, you should be aware of danger because the sum of voltage may be higher than electrical class of standalone PSU;
► With the use of parallel or series circuit connections of PSUs, it is possible to integrate control of all PSUs by interface RS485. In this case, one of the unit should be a master others must be slaves.
► All product line PSUs have overpower and short-circuit protection.
► It is possible to make a remote control through the use of USB, RS485, RS232, GPIB 488/КОП interfaces.